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Article about How Five Unique Tuscan Fashion Brands Combat Fast Fashion

“Crafting Sustainability: How Tuscan Brands Are Combatting Fast Fashion,” my article for Remake, published on October 16 2024, scrutinizes five Tuscan fashion brands,, Zero Lab, Life Object, Rifò, and Flo Concept, that fuse environmental and ethical responsibilities with traditional artisanal practices. The article looks at their work in light of the European Union’s latest…

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Panelist on “Unite for a Positive Change” Panel

I read from my poem “Delicate Cycles” and from my recent research with Debora Florio about workers and alternative brands in the Florence-Prato fashion industry at “Unite for a Positive Change,” a panel discussion about how education, advocacy and collaboration can drive change in the fashion industry, organized by Debora Florio, the Italian Community Organizer…

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My Poem at the Rutgers’ LEARN Event “From Triangle To Rana Plaza To Temp Workers: Building Worker Power”

On May 6th, I presented one of my poems, “Ready to Wear,” which was also translated into Bangla, as part of the Rutgers University Labor Education Action Research Network (LEARN) Event “From Triangle To Rana Plaza To Temp Workers: Building Worker Power,” an international virtual panel discussion with: Moderator: Dina Siddiqi, Clinical Associate Professor, Global Liberal…

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My Poems Performed in Italian and English in Florence, Italy

Debora Florio, Italian Community Organizer for Remake, and Kathleen Grevers, Director of Education for Fashion Revolution USA, will perform my poems “Delicate Cycles” and “This Is Supply & Demand” in Italian and English as part of their presentation for  “Refashion,” an art-fashion-sustainability event at Female Arts in Florence at 6:30 p.m., Borgo J. Frediano 131,…

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